Friday, September 30, 2011

What do you enjoy most about writing?

As my favorite professor of writing once said, “Writing is thinking clearly on paper" (William Zinsser). I enjoy writing because it is a powerful tool that has the ability to change society. We often have ideas of how to make the world a better place, but unless we communicate those ideas, nothing will happen. Through clear writing, we can make others consider our point of view and, perhaps, change their own. This type of change only comes from clear writing, however, so I clearly see the benefits of courses such as 40WRL.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Is the TOEFL test necessary for being admitted to the university?

What is your opinion? Do you think international students should have to pass the TOEFL test before entering the university? Why or why not?

Friday, September 16, 2011


Make a prediction. What do you think will happen next in The Incredibles? Write a description of the events using time order words (first, second, next, then, etc.).

Friday, September 9, 2011


If I told you that a very SUCCESSFUL person was coming to class tomorrow...

What would you imagine this person is like? How would you describe this person?

Give 10 details!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Incredibles Discussion

My response to question #4:

Mediocrity is something that Americans struggle with. We are held to a standard of achieving the 'American Dream' -- making something out of nothing. Somewhere along the way something has been lost in translation. Now it seems as though being 'super' and working hard to achieve goals is less important as feeling good about oneself. Parents try to be encouraging and so praise their children for everything, even minor, ordinary events. This can lead to teenagers who find hard work and delayed gratification (not immediately getting exactly what they want) very difficult. On the other hand, constant praise encourages children to be confident. They can potentially be more successful because they have been taught they can do anything. Perhaps we all should find a balance among encouragement, discouragement, and praise. That way people achieve their goals and feel good about themselves at the same time.

What do you think? Choose one of the questions below to write your response.

1. Do you think Mr. Incredible and Frozone are saving people for their entertainment, or do they actually care?

2. How would you react if you were one day a super hero, and then all of the sudden had to go into hiding and keep your super hero identity a secret?

3. Violet wishes that she were normal. Is there a definition for normal? How would you define it?

4. Mr. Incredible doesn’t want to attend his son’s 4th grade graduation because he says it “celebrates mediocrity.” Many people agree that society “celebrates mediocrity” by praising young children for very small achievements. What do you think? Do you think children should be praised for everything? What are some advantages and disadvantages of “celebrating mediocrity”? What is your experience? Did your parents praise you for big and small achievements?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Favorite Narratives

My favorite story is Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, which was published in 1862 in France. The title of the story can be translated as ‘The Miserable Ones’, because many of its characters suffer greatly throughout the novel. The characters struggle with many difficult questions, such as “What is true justice?,” “What must a person do to right their wrongs?,” and “What is forgiveness?” The novel centers around the character Jean Valjean, a man who when he was very young and very poor stole a loaf of bread to feed his family. For this crime (which some would say was not a crime at all), he was imprisoned for decades. He escapes from prison and makes a new life for himself as an honorable citizen, but must reckon with his past for the rest of his life. I love it because it is a story about redemption.

What is your favorite story? Explain why you like it so much.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Adventures

Hello, 40D WRL! Welcome to our class blog. This is the place where you will brainstorm and share ideas with each other.

You may be wondering about my profile picture. This summer, I took a trip to New York City with my husband. We saw much of the city, including the Empire State Building, the United Nations, and Central Park, but one of the best things we did was attend a Broadway show. We saw a musical called Catch Me If You Can. Have you seen the movie with Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio? It is a touching story about a troubled teenager, Frank Abagnale, and the FBI agent who helped change his life, Carl Hanratty. Frank becomes a con artist, makes hundreds of thousands of counterfeit dollars, and successfully impersonates a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer. That is, until he is caught. The musical adaptation of the film included very entertaining singing and dancing. It's incredible that people are so talented! You can see the playbill (the document that gives the biographies of the actors) in my picture.

Tell us about an adventure you had this summer.