Friday, September 2, 2011

The Incredibles Discussion

My response to question #4:

Mediocrity is something that Americans struggle with. We are held to a standard of achieving the 'American Dream' -- making something out of nothing. Somewhere along the way something has been lost in translation. Now it seems as though being 'super' and working hard to achieve goals is less important as feeling good about oneself. Parents try to be encouraging and so praise their children for everything, even minor, ordinary events. This can lead to teenagers who find hard work and delayed gratification (not immediately getting exactly what they want) very difficult. On the other hand, constant praise encourages children to be confident. They can potentially be more successful because they have been taught they can do anything. Perhaps we all should find a balance among encouragement, discouragement, and praise. That way people achieve their goals and feel good about themselves at the same time.

What do you think? Choose one of the questions below to write your response.

1. Do you think Mr. Incredible and Frozone are saving people for their entertainment, or do they actually care?

2. How would you react if you were one day a super hero, and then all of the sudden had to go into hiding and keep your super hero identity a secret?

3. Violet wishes that she were normal. Is there a definition for normal? How would you define it?

4. Mr. Incredible doesn’t want to attend his son’s 4th grade graduation because he says it “celebrates mediocrity.” Many people agree that society “celebrates mediocrity” by praising young children for very small achievements. What do you think? Do you think children should be praised for everything? What are some advantages and disadvantages of “celebrating mediocrity”? What is your experience? Did your parents praise you for big and small achievements?


  1. I think Mr.Incredible is actually care the people. Because he always save people in danger. Or help people who was in trouble. For example, at the beginning of this film , he found the woman's cat was on the tree, he stop to caught the crimer , and to help the woman to get her cat. And at last class , I watched this, when he was called to the office , he found there was someone in trouble ,the other one was robbing him, he was helpless,so he decided to help him, but his boss stopped him and told him if he would leave the office, Mr. Incredible would be fired. After balanced . he was beater by life . He needed this work to support his family. But after the robber went away, he was very angry so that the lock was broken by him. He was so angry so that his boss would get in trouble, how funny this story! He caught his boss and thorw his boss like throw litter about.
    So I think Mr.Incredible is actully care the people. He is the real hero in film.

  2. Hi,Iam Entesar .

    My definition of a "normal person" is anyone that:
    just be a productive member of society,
    help others when you can, be helpful and constructive, Laughter, and Love.
    someone who can respect others and be respected One who is searching for the meaning of life and what it has to offer to you.
    in my opinion I think Violet unnormal person because she was shy she loved a guy but she couldn't tell him that ,she wasn't be out going, her family had alot of problem!!

  3. Hi,I am star(Zheng Jiaxin)

    About this discussion:
    I think it too difficult that Mr.incredible go into hiding his own identity.Actually,I believe that he will save people who are in emergency events sometimes.Take this movie for instance,no matter where are he or when the time it was,he just only found the emergencey events and he have helped all of the people who was have trouble anywhere.Moreover,he will need a good job because of supporting his family.But justice is his certain ability so that he still save people anywhere.
    Anyway,I think Mr.incredible will be saving people all the time in the future.

  4. I'm Yuri.

    Violet have some problems.
    She had to say things accurately that should be say.
    The definition of normal is
    " the usual or average state, level or standard " ,
    so I think that
    normal person is someone who can do take things for granted.
    Therefore, I think that
    Violet isn't normal person.

  5. I'm Shuyi Qian
    My definition of a "normal" is living with parents, a husband,two kids and a dog.We know exclusively by Mr.incredible secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. He works as an insurance claims specialist, and he's fed up with his pushy boss and his immoral profession.I think this is "normal",a normal life.

  6. Hi i'm Marco

    Speaking about the first question the mediocracy is never good to be a conformist always look to do the best you can.

    My definition of normal is anyone whit good self-esteem to accept yourself, which operates in socially eviroment, respect the others and his family.

    Violet is unsure of herself and therefor the other people not accept to she. she need first acceted yourself and later the other people thougth she is a normal.

  7. My response to question #2:
    As Spider Man said“ With great power comes great responsibility.”I think that the ability of each super hero, not because there is no reason. Superpower is not bring the vanity, and it brings them great responsibility. superhero have the ability to do more things. So I think if superheroes must hide their identity hidden. The pressure will be smaller than the original.So, if one day they have to hide their identity, most of the superhero will be accepted. Otherwise, when they help others why veiled it.

  8. I think Mr.Incredible really wants to help people. During the movie, when the old woman asked Mr. Incredible to help her, Mr. Incredible felt very frustrated at first because his boss, however, he still helped the old woman at last. Through the movie, it's not difficult to find that Mr. Incredible really wants to help people.

  9. 1.I think they save people for both reason, they really care the people but sometimes they are also for entertainment.For example,on the bowling night,when they heard the broadcast said there is a fire now, they were so happy,just like they except the accident happen. So sometimes they also save people for happy,of course they always really care people. For example, he saw someone was robbed when he was scolded buy his boss. He want help him,but his boss stopped him, and he beat his boss even though he would be fired. So i think he is actually care the people and also save people for fun.

  10. no.1 he wanna to help everyone ,to be honestly,I think he really care people,cuz he was beat his boss when his boss doesn't want he saved person. Chaopengyu Chen(nick)

  11. he will be nice with everyone because he want the people to trust him. he fought with his boos because he is so mean. people will be happy because Mr.incredible will go back to help them. he will go to get new clothing for him. but he is wired about his family from wear the will live who will give them money.
