Friday, September 30, 2011

What do you enjoy most about writing?

As my favorite professor of writing once said, “Writing is thinking clearly on paper" (William Zinsser). I enjoy writing because it is a powerful tool that has the ability to change society. We often have ideas of how to make the world a better place, but unless we communicate those ideas, nothing will happen. Through clear writing, we can make others consider our point of view and, perhaps, change their own. This type of change only comes from clear writing, however, so I clearly see the benefits of courses such as 40WRL.


  1. I think the writing is a way that it show writers' worldview and values.We can know from the book. such as writers’ experience, different views on different things and somethings we do not know.We can write to express feelings of our hearts,our experiences and our points.So, when I wrote the article, I have considered my point of view would be useful to others.Therefore, we should to learn how to better writing.

  2. the writing is very necessary in the life for many reason. first of all, everyday we are read a lot of information from the news paper,books or the signs in the street. We are read what the writer wrote.When the students study write what they understand to review next time.many people know the famous writer ,but they don’t meet with him.So the writing very importune in the life to help the people for remember everything in the world.

  3. I think that writing is important because, it does not forget opposed to speech it goes with the wind. It is easier to express for some people shy How many people if saddened Tugged to paper and pen because, they can express their feelings without interruption. And for students writing while the sender explaining the lesson in order to Unforgettable lesson so writing excellent way of memory of this what I think

  4. I think I enjoy writing because writing can show my idea.Because when you have an idea, the beast way to share it was by writing.When I have an interesting idea, I will write it, so other people can know my idea. I like share my idea.

  5. I am star,

    I think that writing as an important thing for our lives.First of all,we can express my own perspective about the society or some feeling by writing.Secondly,writing can practice our acdamic skills. Sometimes,when I have a lot of views or interesting idea,i want to write it that show the readers.

  6. I enjoy the feeling when we told others how we fell. I know there are many people like to read essay about others' stories, so do I. When we read the article what was written by others,and they told you their stories, we often can feel what they feel, so I like to share my life with others through essay.

  7. Hi,I am Nick 1

    AS for me,it is the clear way to show our thinking that writing. We can use writing to show some stories,some personal's idea,to readers.Becasue in our daily life,we have a lot of feeling in the experiences. Moreover,writing also can improve my language skills.

  8. Lupita

    Writing is other type or language you can have a lot of ideas and you dont know express and when you write is more easy to choose your ideas.
    Also if something happen to you and you dont want to talk about that, writing the problem can help you. You can also write thinks do you dont want to forget.

  9. Writing is a tool which can help me state my ideas clearly. When I was writing, I was really enjoyed the process, because I was thinking, I will make my views of the description very clear, so I have to think about the advantages and disadvantages of the subject. It is interesting to overthrow the point of view which I do not acknowledge, I will come up with a lot of ideas.

  10. I'm Shuyi
    Writing is the process of talking an idea from inside of one's head and putting it into a code so that it can be shared with others.So,I enjoy writing because I can tell people what I think and express feelings.Writing also requires the ability to listen,read speak and think.

  11. I think that writing your ideas maybe someday you can be a part of the history. I don't know maybe your ideas begins a movement of the people were reading yours essays or paragraph. I think when some people read some book and part of this stay in them so the writing is very important for us.

  12. Writing of which they teach you arrange your thoughts, and it strengthens your memory through Astrjaek what you want to write about what happened to you, such as refine your style, including that makes you peace of mind proved scientific studies that writing feel comfortable, and provide the time progress in health and help to resist diseases, the conclusion reached by the American psychologist James Baker among

  13. =ENTESAR=

    In my view , the writing is important in our life because it helps us to improve our skills and after a several subject of writing in it,we'll have a lot of vocabulary.Also,it interesting to write our daily routine to keep it in our mind because the writing is the best way to express our feelings.
