Saturday, October 8, 2011

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?


  1. I hope to be a superhero who he can see and change all people's future.maybe he can called Mr.future.Usually, he was wearing a black evening dress and with a mask, the mask is a transformation of the question mark. His left hand is often holding a walking stick.It is not like other heroes, absolute justice. Each time, when he encountered people who need help,he was only given them different choose,people need choose by themselves.there are good and bad consequences of each choice. He is irresponsible.Because the future changes are chaotic.

  2. Entesar,

    If I'll be superhero I hope to be(Tiny bee hero)because I think that can helping me to protecting my self from anything dangerous or problems so I can fly anywhere I want .Also,I can support people who need help. In addition,when I hate someone I'll sting their body.Finally,I wish to be that in one day.

  3. If was a superhero,I would like to be a Doraemon.Because he has a fourth-dimensional pocket on his abdomen from which he can take out many amazing tools.Such as Time Machine.I can use the door to go into the future or past and I also can even decide when and where I will go.If I became a Doraemon,I can use these tools do everything I want to do.

  4. If i´ll be a superhero, i want can to be invisible an can read minds, with this superpowers i can help a lot of people. my name can be super girl. my dress is pink.

  5. Amy the 4 post is my i forget put my name.

  6. If I was a superhero,I would like to be a super bun.As long as someone hit me I would become a bun, so that any attacks are ineffective,and then I have to speak despise,so he will suicide depressed.Using rhis skill,I can protect who I loved.

  7. If you become like the Super Hero will help the poor and needy people for money or food, there are a lot of people want to Assistant I wish to become like the Super Hero and help the poor and needy people.

    Abdullah Alsowaidan

  8. i would be superpower to save people in the life . I hope be flay and strong to fight the bad people. then try to save all the world all the day. i have been super hear.

  9. If I have superpower, I would like to control time and space,and speeding regeneration. I can stop time and cintinue it whenever I want.I can teleport anything and transport from one world to another parallel world.I can speeding regeneration my body, so I will Immortal.Then I can change world,to make it better.

  10. if i want to be superhero i will choose three things. first i want to read minds so i know how is with me and how is not with me. Second i want fly to do whatever i need fast. Finally i want supernatural body so no one can conquers. i want ay name superaziz
