Monday, September 26, 2011

Is the TOEFL test necessary for being admitted to the university?

What is your opinion? Do you think international students should have to pass the TOEFL test before entering the university? Why or why not?


  1. I do not agree with this view.Through language testing is not the main purpose to learning English.Language testing is just displays a person's language ability in a relatively one-sided approach.I think if the international students can use English to studying in the U.S,their english are pretty good.

  2. I agree with this idea , Because the university wont to know how is your level in english if you can use the english very well or not . The other reason the international students use english languish for second languish so they should understand what the information idea in class to get a good grate .

  3. Aziz

    I agree because when you passed the TOEFL that mean you know English. disagree because some people do not know English and they passed the TOEFL by a good luck. so ido not know if it good or not reason to enter the university.

  4. I really agree with this, because for a international student study in a foreign country is very difficult. If you don't have a great English level,you will fail very easily.And if you pass the toefl test, although we can't say you must can't fail,it still very helpful.How could be a person who can have a great grade in university but can't pass the TOFEL exam.

  5. I agree with this view.Because before you entering the university,you should know which your English level are and can you understand what the teachers say in the classes.Taking TOFFL test can help you know.If you don't take any test ,you probably waste time.

  6. I am star,

    As for me,i agree with this view.If you want to study abroad,you must konw which your English standard are.It will let you better to learn the knowledge that taught by foreign teacher.So,the English standard test is important thing to overseas students.

  7. Hi,I am Nick 1

    I think it is an important test to students who are want to study in US.Fristly,everystudent must have a good English level and then go to the university.If it doesn't has this test,everybody can come to and almost everyone hasn't ability in the class of foreign teachers.

  8. I do not agree with that point. We are studying in CESL now. The experiences not only can help us adapt to the American life but also can learn a lot of knowledge and language skills. Through the study in CESL I think we can learn many thing such as American cultures ,communicate skills, vocabulary, how to write an essay and so on. If the teachers thought we have the abilities to study the university classes, I think it's Ok. Toefl is just a test, it can not show students' real abilities. There are a lot of people focus on training the Foefl test, so they can do well in tests but not in class.

  9. Hi i'am Marco

    I agree because is a rule or requisite of the university and if you want be admitted in any school you mest adapt to it´s rules or standards that governing their institution. by other way i not complete sure that a person that not pass the toefl he can´t speak and write english maybe he has a bad day i don´t know, but a person that pass the toefl show a good level of english. The toefl is not perfect but is good way of know your level of englis.

  10. I agree with this opion because it's avoid way to balance one's English ability sothat the university can make sure you have enough ability to under stand what teachers say and write in class. The university can trust you and let you to study at classes. The tofel IBT rest is a good method to test the speak ability and listen ability of students who are going to go to college. If we can do well in the test ,I think we can equal the study in university classes.

  11. Lupita
    Im agree, because if you want to go to a college in usa you need learn english. For me is good the TOEFL because the university will go in english and you need understand the language to pass the class.

  12. Hi I'm Entesar,

    I disagree with this opinion,
    because the TOFEL test is complicated
    and I think if the students study in
    schools likes CESl about a year and
    half and work hard,they should know
    English,and they'll pass in the university,because I know some students at the fist time when
    they arrived to U.S,they passed
    in this test ,but they didn't
    succeed at the university classes!!

  13. Hve I agree with the idea that the university teaches you how to develop the English language and help you to write, read and speak very well and let's an excellent way to pass the TOEFL and also help you the ability to study at universities and colleges.
