Sunday, August 28, 2011

Favorite Narratives

My favorite story is Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, which was published in 1862 in France. The title of the story can be translated as ‘The Miserable Ones’, because many of its characters suffer greatly throughout the novel. The characters struggle with many difficult questions, such as “What is true justice?,” “What must a person do to right their wrongs?,” and “What is forgiveness?” The novel centers around the character Jean Valjean, a man who when he was very young and very poor stole a loaf of bread to feed his family. For this crime (which some would say was not a crime at all), he was imprisoned for decades. He escapes from prison and makes a new life for himself as an honorable citizen, but must reckon with his past for the rest of his life. I love it because it is a story about redemption.

What is your favorite story? Explain why you like it so much.


  1. When I was a little mum often read story before I fall in sleep.So I am every interesting in reading stories.But I think Snow White is my favourite story.
    Although Snow White has been read by my mother when I was a baby,and I have seen the cartoon moive.I also like reading the story mostly. Snow White is a beautiful princess,but her mother was dead when she was born,so the old king bring a stepmother to her,and the woman was a eveil. She had a mirror which can speak ,so she always ask it who was the most beautifu woman in the world. When the migic mirror said the answer is Snow White ,the bad woman wanted to kill the pretty girl. But at last the girl was escaped and married with a prince.

  2. I'm Yuri.
    I like "tenkuu no hachi". It was written by Keigo Higashino.
    Japan was hit by a powerful earthquake on March 11 and it brought chaos to Japan. Especially,there is a problem of the nuclear power plant and the radioactivity in Fukushima, Japan. This book is a fiction that is written about Terrorism broke out aiming at the prototype fast breeder reactor in Fukushima. It is written as if Japan episode. We should confront energy problems now, so I think that it is read now. It isn't happy story, but I can think what to do in Japan. Therefore it is my favorite book.

  3. My favorite story is wolf coming.When I was kid,my mother told me that.The story was talk about a mischievous kid.The kid lives in a village,and always do some mischief things.One day he was yell: wolfs coming! wolfs coming!' and it is a mischief.First time,people cames to save him,but its a cheat,people felt angry.The kid thought it is very fun,so he do that again.People cames again and angry again.The kid still thought it is fun. But one day, the worf is real come,whatever the kid yell,nobody cames to save him, because people thought it was a mischif again. I love it because this story teach me honest,and it make me to be a honest people.

  4. When I was a kid, I read "The Little Match Girl" this story. The little girl sold matches in the scene Danian Ye, deeply engraved in my mind.Because her family was too poor,she needed sell matches. "Match, Match, who will match!" Sad little girl cried hit the street. Despite this, no one to buy the girl a match.So the little girl again and again to wiped burning match, imagined the "warm stove, the fragrant duck, the beautiful Christmas tree, kind of the grandmother." This poor little girl, these were just a mirage, but it showed a little girl life, only the cold, hunger, pain and loneliness.Why do I and the little girl the same age, living environment is different? This is because she was living under the capitalist social system, and I lived in a socialist system.

  5. Marco

    My favorite book is "Dark tower" written by Stephen King in this book he tell us the story of cowboy the last gunfigther in this imaginary world which his journey for the dark tower, he unknow what is the dark tower, he only know that need find the dark tower for the save the medium world. The name of the imaginary world create by Stephen King.
    The most curious thing about this book is was inspired in a poem of Robert Browning the poem is only of two page longer and Stephen King has written seven books based in this poem.

    I read until 4 of these books.

  6. Hi.I'm Entesar.

    My lovely story when I was growing up until now was(The race between rabbit and turtle)it was took about the rabbit was over confident in his abilities to run circles around the turtle.The rabbit taking a nap because he was so tired and he was so sure he'd win.while he slept the turtle passed him and won in the race!!I think this story was so famous because it was teach people why you should not be arrogant and what happens when you lose focus on your task.

  7. My favorite novel is <> which is written by Jules Verne. The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances, which gained him the name——Father of Modern Science Fiction.

    This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman, Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty days. It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey.

    From this story, we can see the author's deep love for the sea, travel and adventure, which played a vital role in his life. We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge

  8. My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days

  9. My favorite star is Kobe Bryant,he is one of gratest basketball player.He have 5nba champions.And he got all kinds of horns ,he always work hard .and he beat so many enemis .He has a special spirit like Mike.They are very similar.They work so hard every day!Kobe do a good example for youngers.

  10. Abdullah

    Favorites from the novels that I read this story talking about the world of children, which you will discover that which is not less severe than the adult world.

    Lists the events of the story one of these children, which is currently very close to a man of thirty, a famous novelist and to some extent. Says at the beginning of the novel:
    "I was twelve years old and about to become thirteen when I first saw a man dead. This happened in 1960, very long ago ... although it seems to me sometimes that the incident occurred in a time not so long ago, and especially at night when he woke up after seeing the bad dreams when falling on a cold eye Opens. "

    Go is a group of his friends to search for body of missing boy on the way bak Harlow, and describes the horrors that a command on the way there and the surprise that was waiting there.

  11. My favorite story is Ali Baba because when i was a child my sister bring to my candy if i set in the living room. While i set i watched the TV. every day i show this story in the carton.Then i start to set at living room to see TV not to Waite the candy.After that i asked my mum to buy this story to me because i want to see this story everyday.When i grow up i love this story so much until now .
