Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Adventures

Hello, 40D WRL! Welcome to our class blog. This is the place where you will brainstorm and share ideas with each other.

You may be wondering about my profile picture. This summer, I took a trip to New York City with my husband. We saw much of the city, including the Empire State Building, the United Nations, and Central Park, but one of the best things we did was attend a Broadway show. We saw a musical called Catch Me If You Can. Have you seen the movie with Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio? It is a touching story about a troubled teenager, Frank Abagnale, and the FBI agent who helped change his life, Carl Hanratty. Frank becomes a con artist, makes hundreds of thousands of counterfeit dollars, and successfully impersonates a pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer. That is, until he is caught. The musical adaptation of the film included very entertaining singing and dancing. It's incredible that people are so talented! You can see the playbill (the document that gives the biographies of the actors) in my picture.

Tell us about an adventure you had this summer.


  1. I did a lots during this summer. I passed the Toefl test as 73 points, and I got the admission letter from U of A, but it's start from spring 2012, I cannot stay in America without studying for 4 months, that is the reason why I study in CESL right now. But I feel good, because it can help me make friends and know Tucson well in the 4 months.

  2. In this summer , I had transferred with my family from Tennessee, Cookeville to Arizona,Tucson to complete my English study in CESL because I didn't like the school I had studied in Cookeville it is so small and the classes is boring .All in all, I wish I enjoying at CESL and improve my English language.

    Entesar Almarhoon.

  3. Hello, my name is Yuri. I'm a TTI student.
    I'm from Tokyo,Japan. There are a lot of clothes there. Shopping is very interesting for me. Do you know FOREVER21? It's a my favorite fashion brand. I found it when I went to Tucson mall. I bought some clothes unconsciously.
    I only stay in Tucson for 3 weeks, so I want to enjoy Tucson life!

  4. This summer,I took a trip to japan by myself. Im very lucky,because their is no rain in my know, japan is always raining. My first station is tokyo Disneyland, is really fun.I played all day, but it still has lot of games I dident play, because it just so many games in there. The second place is Kyoto,is a beautiful city, you can see japan style building everywhere,especial there has a gold temple in Kyoto,is wonderful. And also I went t o Nagoya,Fujiyama,etc, almost all the famerous place of japan.If you want look the photo of my trip you can go to my QQ zone.

  5. This is my first time go so far,when i arrive at tucson,i feel very disapointed.And through a long time, I think there is a beautiful place,no nosy,no desturb. I think this class is very harmonious. At the first day I get up very late. I missed my first class.This was very bad.I hope I can finish my language study at two month,come on.

  6. I Xuwen Qi, if you can, you can call me vincent,My Chinese name is some convoluted, so call me vincent, It's would be more convenient.I am honored to Tucson, although there was very hot, very desolate,but I am so happy to here.I hope to have a good memory segment in the United States

  7. I'm Shuyi Qian
    This summer,I went to Hainan for my holiday,which is a city of seashore.I enjoyed having a walk along the beach and swimming in the afternoon.The sky is blue and the air is fersh.Wherever you go,you can see the green trees,they were really wonderful.

  8. hi everybody.
    This summer l earned about American culture. I saw a lot of bad thing in LA. I saw hos do drugs in the street. I saw the fastest driver in my life. I saw a lot of fight in the street. And I stayed with wonderful people they was super nice. They helped me and teach me a lot about CA. This summer learned about American culture.

  9. This Summer i travel so much I went to Mazatlan, Tijuana, San diego & Tucson. In San Diego I went to see los padres vs giants.

  10. Hi my name is Marco.

    I came to Tucson for study english in the CESL because i need it for my work.In the beginning i was a little scared for the change the life, i came alone to Tucson and is more dificult but my class are very interesting and my classmates are very friendly all it help me for my adaptation to my new life style. i hope learn english soon for come back Mexico.

  11. hi, I'm Ali zahmi

    This summer, I took a trip to Los Angeles City with my friends. We visited many place in Hollywood boulevard,Universal Studios Hollywood,Hollywood sign and six flags magic mountain. We saw a lot of characters in Hollywood boulevard st. I had fun in six flags when we play some games . Los Angeles is very interesting. I will visit this city agin .
